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Mastering the Mix - MixRoom is a New Way to EQ

Mixroom is a powerful audio plugin designed for music producers and engineers to help balance their mixes quickly and easily. It offers a unique approach to EQ that makes it a valuable tool for any audio professional.

One of the most notable features of Mixroom is its intuitive interface, which offers a vertical representation of audio frequency. This allows for a more natural and intuitive way of visualizing and adjusting audio frequencies. Unlike traditional EQ plugins that use a left-to-right interface to adjust frequencies, Mixroom offers a top-to-bottom approach, with low frequency at the bottom and high frequency at the top.

Mixroom offers an impressive range of features that make it a powerful tool for balancing mixes. One of its most useful features is the ability to create a target profile based on an existing mix or reference track. This allows users to drop up to three files into the plugin, which Mixroom then analyzes to create a target based on their spectral content. Once the target is created, Mixroom applies an EQ adjustment that can be used to balance the mix.

Another impressive feature of Mixroom is its smart band function. This feature automatically adjusts frequency bands based on the target profile, saving users time and eliminating the need to manually adjust each frequency band individually. The smart band function analyzes the mix and adjusts the frequency bands accordingly to create a balanced and clear sound.

Mixroom also includes an output gain function, which ensures that the overall level of the mix remains consistent. The output gain function lets users know when they've added extra gain, and when they need to pull it back down if they're being too loud.

Overall, Mixroom is a well-designed and powerful tool for balancing mixes. It's easy to use, and its smart features make it a valuable asset for music producers and engineers. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced professional, Mixroom is a tool that's definitely worth checking out.

In terms of performance, Mixroom is quite impressive. It analyzes tracks quickly and provides accurate frequency balance adjustments. Its smart band function is particularly useful, as it saves time and makes the balancing process more efficient.

One of the main strengths of Mixroom is its ability to work seamlessly with other plugins. For example, Mixroom's companion plugin, Bassroom, is specifically designed to handle frequencies below 300 Hz. When used together, Mixroom and Bassroom can balance the entire frequency spectrum of a mix quickly and efficiently.

Mixroom is also quite versatile, as it can be used on any type of music production, from electronic dance music to live recordings. The plugin works well on vocals, drums, guitars, and other instruments, making it a valuable tool for producers who need to balance multiple tracks.

Overall, Mixroom is a powerful and innovative tool that offers a unique approach to EQ. Its intuitive interface, smart features, and seamless integration with other plugins make it an ideal tool for music producers and engineers. While it may take some time to get used to its unique interface, the benefits of using Mixroom are definitely worth it.


Mixroom offers several advantages over traditional EQ plugins. Here are a few key advantages:

  1. Smart and Intuitive EQ: Mixroom's unique approach to EQ makes it incredibly intuitive to use. Rather than working with traditional left-to-right EQ controls, Mixroom represents audio frequencies in a more natural way, with low frequencies at the bottom and high frequencies at the top. This approach makes it easy to "see and feel" the audio, allowing users to push or pull frequencies forward or back, as needed.

  2. Smart Profile Creation: Mixroom's ability to automatically create a frequency profile based on a reference audio file is a game-changer. This feature allows users to quickly and accurately match the frequency balance of their audio with that of a well-mixed reference file, without having to do a lot of manual tweaking. This can save a lot of time and effort, especially when working on large projects with many audio tracks.

  3. Efficient Workflow: With Mixroom, users can quickly adjust the frequency balance of their audio with just a few clicks, thanks to the smart EQ controls and the ability to create and apply frequency profiles. This can help streamline the mixing process, allowing users to work more efficiently and get better results in less time.

  4. More Natural Sound: Mixroom's unique EQ approach can result in a more natural and musical sound, compared to traditional EQ plugins. By working with frequencies in a more natural way, Mixroom can help users achieve a more balanced and harmonious mix, without introducing any harsh or unnatural sounds.

  5. Versatility: Mixroom can be used on a wide range of audio material, from individual tracks to full mixes. This versatility makes it a great tool for mixing and mastering engineers, producers, and musicians who need a flexible and reliable EQ solution.

While Mixroom offers several advantages over traditional EQ plugins, there are also a few potential drawbacks to consider:

  1. Learning Curve: Mixroom's unique EQ controls and frequency representation may take some time to get used to, especially for users who are accustomed to traditional left-to-right EQ interfaces. This may require some extra time and effort to learn, especially for beginners.

  2. Limited Frequency Range: Mixroom's EQ controls only cover frequencies up to 20 kHz, which may not be sufficient for some applications, such as mastering or sound design. Users who need more control over high frequencies may need to supplement Mixroom with additional EQ tools.

  3. Price: Mixroom is a premium plugin, which means that it comes with a higher price tag than some other EQ plugins on the market. While its features and capabilities may justify the cost for some users, others may find it to be too expensive for their needs.

  4. Dependency on Reference Audio: While Mixroom's ability to create frequency profiles based on a reference audio file is a powerful feature, it also means that users need to have a well-mixed reference file to work with. Without a suitable reference file, users may not be able to take full advantage of Mixroom's features.